
Getting things squared away...

My husband and I have decided to start trying for baby number two. I want to wait till April or May because the Chinese calender says these are my best months for conceiving a girl (I know that sounds a little foolish but 90% of women say this works so why not). Along with changing your diet and so on couldn't hurt to try anyway. But before all of this I want to try to get things squared away in the life we have going right now. Nothing drastic just going through junk in the house, spring cleaning, spending more time together with us and Landon. In order to do all this I need to stay away from the beckoning laptop. Most of my life is spent on here on various networking website, blogging of course, photoshop etc so I made a sort of vow to cut back on the screen time. Except blogging, gotta keep the fam updates you know.

With spring and summer coming I will be taking tons of pictures with my new Nikon D90. My very generous husband bought me one and three different lenses so I'll have tons of fun with that. How exciting!! I also need to get two quilts quilted and I'm starting a queen size for myself so I will try to get all of these done within the next two months because two of them are birthday gifts that I need to have done by April. We get to take leave in June so I need to have all of my stuff in order by then. We'll hopefully be flying home to Washington so that we can spend some time with my Nana who is sick with Leukemia. My mom might meet us down there too (flying down from Alaska). I hope. Anyway I will be updating my blog though so no worries :D
Wish us luck on a baby girl this time!!

That's all for now,
Sincerely Yours Truly

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